Friday, August 20, 2010


I thank everyone for the well wishes on my recent pregnancy, but I'm sad to say that I lost the baby. They think it died last week. I went in for my first ultrasound and they found the sack and fetus, but there was no heartbeat. So I'm waiting for my next appointment which is this coming Wen. to be cleaned out. :( I have no idea when I'll be back posting. Talk to you guys later.


  1. Awww, so sorry to hear this :( Take care of yourself first, and don't worry about updating until you're ready.

    (((Big, big hugs!)))

  2. I'm so sorry.

    Don't worry about your updates. Taking care of yourself is more important right now.

  3. Ditto, focus on you right now. Huggles.

  4. OMG I'm so sorry. Definitely take care of yourself. Sims can wait. *Big hugs*

  5. I'm so sorry. Take care of yourself and don't worry about sims. Hugs.

  6. Thanks guys! I'm actually doing better, I think the whole cry spells are over, and I'm trying to stay busy, I've been playing Nancy Drew and Piratesonline. I think I might load the sims today. If I keep busy it helps with me not dwelling on things. Cause if I do I start crying again. Ok, my ramblings are over. Talk to you guys later.


Thanks for taking the time to read and post! You guys are Awesome!