Monday, May 10, 2010

Cameron Poll

So I totally borrowed the idea from Lakeside Heights on polling you guys on certain topics related to certain sims. Well for my first poll I have Cameron and her situation. Of course your votes won't influence the out come but it will be interesting to see what you all think she should do.

Not sure when I'll do another poll, but you never know so keep your eyes peeled. Poll closes on the 17th at noon.


  1. I voted! I don't want to skew the vote though, so I won't say what I voted for. :D

  2. LOL Okay, but after the poll is closed you have to tell me.

  3. Count my vote in! I'm not sayin' what I said, although you probably already know, seeing as I talked to you about it earlier...LOL!

  4. I think I might know how the both of you voted. LOL But that's cool. Tell me later!


Thanks for taking the time to read and post! You guys are Awesome!