Friday, July 23, 2010

Just plan sick

Sorry for the lack of updates guys. I've been sick this past week and haven't been on the computer, this is actually my first day getting on since I think Sunday. Which also means, I haven't been playing. I hope to feel better soon and have an update for you.


  1. You poor thing, get well soon!

  2. Hope to be back soon. Docotor has me resting, and I called myself being "grown" and got on the computer to play, and guess what? I got another virus. So I'm just going to keep my butt in bed until I'm all better once more. Then I reinstall the game. *sigh*

  3. Awww, hope you (and your computer? lol!) feel much better soon!

  4. LOL Laura, you know I actually hope the pc gets better faster. ROFL But I think I finally have a good anti virus installed. And I'm feeling much better as well!


Thanks for taking the time to read and post! You guys are Awesome!