Saturday, July 3, 2010


September, Fall 2013, Liam and Tazikati Smith are both 53, Cameron is 16, Jayden is 4 weeks. (Viggo Kim is 15 and, Robert Kim is 60.) Last updated.


Things at the Smith house have been tense for the past few months. Cameron tries to routine on as if everything is normal.


Tazikati doesn't make it easy though. She refuses to eat at the same table as her daughter. It pisses Cameron off. She just doesn't understand why her mother refuses to see how hard this is for her. Liam is in the middle. He tries his best to please both women in his life, but it's starting to run him ragged.


It's not that Tazikati doesn't understand, but she's worried that her daughter will end up making the wrong decision. Plus, she's mad. She's mad that Cameron got herself into this situation. She's mad that she never sat down with her child and had that sex talk.

She's mad because she was to consumed with grief over losing Annabell, and then, throwing herself into Sweets n' Treats. So much so never noticing that Cameron was growing up so fast. And most of all she's scared. Her child's future hangs in the balance, and there isn't a damn thing she can do about it.


She hates sitting home alone after school. The house is to quiet. Normally these hours would be spend with Viggo, but she's too pregnant to deal with him right now.

And so, she sits, her mind wondering to her sister. She wonders what Annabell would say about her being pregnant. She's this huge failure whereas her sister at least got to finish college, start her life. She never embarrassed their parents the way she has.


When she's not at the bakery she's planted in front of the computer, reading e-mails and sorting through possible parents for the child that Cameron is carrying. She will not call it her grand child, because Cameron is too young to actually be having a child. So she addresses it as the "child."


"You should be over here doing this stuff yourself." Tazikati says.

 Cameron rolls her eyes. It's the same crap everyday. 'Cameron, look at this couple.' and 'Cameron, they sent us a picture.' She wants to scream. Viggo normally keeps quiet. It's not as if Tazikati even wants to hear what he has to say.


"I'm not sure. I know that I don't want strangers raising the baby." Cameron says, after they retreat to her bedroom. "I don't feel right just pawning the baby off on some couple just because..." she trails off.


"Yeah, me either." Viggo says.


"I've been thinking." Cameron starts to giggle. Viggo sticks his tongue at her.

"Like I was saying, I've been thinking. And what if we keep the baby? I mean, my parents have already said they'd help us, and I'm sure I can find a job. You're mom may not like it, but at least we would be taking responsibility."


Cameron smiles. She likes the idea. Yeah, her mom may not be down with it, but her dad would be. Plus, they would have Viggo's parents for support. Her smile turns into a frown a second later.

"What's wrong?"

Cameron looks down at her belly then up at Viggo. "I think I'm having a contraction!"


The next one actually sends her to her feet, as she cries out in pain, clutching her stomach. Viggo quickly heads for the door calling Liam and Tazikati.

Ready or not, decisions made or not, this baby is coming!


After twelve hours of labor and two days recovering in the hospital, Cameron comes home. The baby with her to Tazikati's dismay.

"What are we going to do about this, Cameron?" She doesn't say problem, but it truly is a problem. A huge problem. And it needs to be addressed, now!


She's tired, achy and, really not ready to have this conversation. Did her mom forget so fast that she just pushed a football sized being out of her womanly parts. Hell, can't see have time to heal?

 "Mom, I love you. You're advice and opinions have always meant the world to me. But this time I have to disagree with you. You of all people know what it's like to have something growing inside of you for nine months. To feel it's first kick, to giggle when it has hiccups. I just can't throw that away. I'm keeping my baby."


They sit in silence for a few moments. Cameron isn't sure what her mother is going to say next.

"So, that's it then? You're just going to ruin your life for this child?"

Cameron only nods her head.

Tazikati rises. "Fine," she says, before heading to bed.


Viggo is around to help the first couple of days, before he starts his job. It isn't much, but it will help buy some diapers and formula. Cameron is just glad that she has the extra set of hands.


He even helps put little Jayden down for his naps. Cameron wonders why he only sleeps when Viggo is around.


She hardly gets any sleep. It's like Jayden is on some alien time schedule. As soon as she turns out her light and drifts off into a deep sleep, his eyes snap open. Waking all within hearing distance, letting them know he needs his mommy!


Normally it's because he needs his butt cleaned. Never in her life has Cameron known of anything so little producing stuff so smelly that it can make paint peel from the walls. The pediatrician says it's normally, but Cameron isn't so sure.


Jayden goes through diapers like water. All he seems to do is eat, sleep and, poop. Pooping being the highest on the list.


Sleeping being the least of the three. Cameron honestly has no idea how she makes it through a full day of classes. She feels like a sleep deprived zombie.


Thank God for her dad! Grandpa Liam helps out when he can. So Cameron does get a few hours of sleep, or a few minutes to shower in peace.


But for the most part, little Jayden is a happy and healthy baby.


Viggo finally shows up after being MIA for two weeks. Cameron's being calling his cell, leaving messages - which never get returned. He knows that he's been avoiding her, but life kind of snuck up on him, and now he's realizing for the first time, that he's responsible for a life.

It's a scary reality to face.

 So he shows up, and to prevent a fight he offers to give Cameron a massage. She's so tired and stressed that she happily agrees to one.


Soon after the massage comes the complaining.

"I don't think I'm asking much. I need help. I can hardly get my assignments done, and studying, forget it." She pauses and watches him stuff his mouth. "Are you even listening to me, Viggo?"


"Yeah, I hear ya," he says, before letting out a really nasty belch.

Cameron closes her eyes in disgust. He can be so disgusting at times.

"I mean, what do you want me to do?"

"Could you at least watch him so I can get some work done?"

Viggo gets up to throw away his bag of chips. "Yeah, what ever. But make it quick I have to get to work soon."


Liam overhears the whole exchange and he decides to have a word with Viggo.

"You know I'm not attacking you, Viggo. All I'm asking is for you to see things from Cameron's point of view. You vanish for two weeks and all she's asking for is a little time to get her work done. For you to spend time with you son."


Viggo laughs. "Mr. Smith, I don't know what Cam told you, but I didn't vanish or anything. I've been busy... with stuff and work. But I'm here now, I said I'd watch Jayden, so just chill." he ends with a wave of his hand.


"What is wrong with you? Why are you treating this like some joke? You have responsibilities and you need to take control of them."


That's when he loses it. He's tired of everyone telling him to man up. He hasn't seen Cameron in two weeks, and that's all his parents been on him about. Then he finally comes over here and now Liam is on his case.

His ignored Cameron's calls, all they contain were pleas for him to come over, and how much money she needed for Jayden.

Shit! That's all she ever talks about. Money and Jayden.  He got a damn job to support his son. Which takes most of his time. He also has school to deal with. What more does his family and her family want?

"I'm doing the best I can, so just lay off!" he shouts.


"Don't you dare take that tone with me. This is my house and you're my daughter's guest. I'm simply looking out for what's best for all three of you. So you need to calm down."

Viggo snorts. Oh, now he's a guest of Liam's daughter. He sees how this is going down and he's not going to stand for it.


Viggo thrust his fingers in his ears. "I don't need this crap. I'm out of here."

Liam looks on in confusion.


He storms past Cameron muttering a "Later, Cam," as he pushes out the door.

Cameron is on the verge of tears when Jayden wakes, screaming from his nap.


Robert comes over to apologize for his son's behavior. Cameron had called him in tears telling him what had happened. He honestly doesn't understand what's going on with his son. He's normally so level headed.


Maybe that's it. Maybe it's because no one understand Viggo. They have been so caught up in Cameron and Jayden. Supporting her, helping her, giving her all that they can as a couple, that they've totally forgotten about their son, and what he is going through right now. But that still doesn't make up for his behavior.



So this is Cameron's new life. Full of smelly diapers...


Washing a smelly Jayden...


And cleaning sticky stoves with spilled formula.


Cameron hasn't even seen Suni or Brooke since they dropped by to see Jayden when he first came home.


But when she gazes into those beautiful chocolate brown eyes, she knows that she's made the right choice. She never knew it was possible to love something some much as she does Jayden. But she does. No matter how tough things get Cameron can never regret keeping him.


And just when she's given up on Viggo he shows up begging her for a second change. He's been a jerk. No, more than a jerk. He's been the biggest ass on the planet. yeah, he got scared. But that's no excuse for taking it out on Cameron and Jayden. He's sorry and he wants to make things right.

And she's in the forgiving mood. They love each other, and that's enough. They'll make this work.


So, Cameron decided to keep Jayden. Funny side note. I didn't realize that I named the baby after Will and Jayda Smith son until I was watching the trailer for the new Karate Kid. I started laughing since they are both named Jayden Smith. LOL

Anyway, so the votes did not influence my decision. I actually rolled the die for it, and of course since my game LOVES baby, the die said that Cameron was to keep Jayden. I was still planning to have her give the baby up. That red haired teacher in the high school update, I had her and her husband ready to take the baby. But I decided to follow what the die said. In the end I'm very happy. Cameron makes a wonderful mother. Soon as Jayden starts to cry she's on top of it. She feeds him and changes those diapers. She's taken to motherhood like a duck to water. She even rolls wants for him. I haven't had a popularity sim parent do that for their babies, kids yes, babies, no.

Viggo acted out totally on his own. I figured he was cracking under the stress. Normally when he comes for a visit, or is around Cameron like three out of his four wants are for her. Well, when he came over the second time to see Jayden, none of his wants were for Cameron. I'm not going to tell you who the centered around, that's for a later update. But he did try to woohoo with her, but Cameron turned him down. So that was another nail in his coffin. Poor boy can't get any. LOL But I don't blame her.

The fight with him and Liam, totally Viggo too. They normally get along, but this time Viggo blew up. So instead of doing further damage I had him head home while Cameron tried to get some homework done. And Jayden really did wake up at that moment.

Notice the lack of Tazikati in the update besides the beginning. Well that was her. She rolled more wants associated with the bakery so I sent her. She refuses to speak with Cameron. All they do is talk about Jayden then argue. Which is not like them. She also hasn't touch him since he was born. :( Liam on the other hand is the super awesome parent. He helps Cameron a lot. Caring for Jayden so she can at least pee. LOL

Robert also showed up on his own. And don't mind Jayden's skin color. I think I finally got those genetic skins figured out. I had my lightest skins set to high. So they were dominating all my other skintones. I think I've fixed everything.


  1. Welcome little Jayden! I kinda had a small feeling that Cameron and Viggo would decide to keep the baby. We all love Cameron so much, so seeing her as a mother is only right. :P

    I'm so surprised at Viggo's behavior after coming to his decision to keep the baby...I guess the 'reality' of the situation got to him. I didn't like seeing him and Liam argue, though. Can't believe he did that on his own. All of these autonomous behaviors, Richard's and Tazikati's too, show me that these Sims are really connecting with your storyline, SOME KINDA's eerie, isn't it?!

  2. Aw, I thought Cameron and Viggo might end up keeping the baby too. I wish them all the luck in the world!

    I was a little surprised to see Viggo acting out like that as well but hey, he's only 15. But you know, he's got himself in an adult situation now so hopefully, he will now start acting like more of an adult.

  3. SH, Tlk about surprised. Man, Viggo was showing his butt off! I wanted to reach through the screen and slap some sense into him. LOL BUt I can see where he's coming from. But really, Cameron is home with the baby 24/7. All Viggo has to do is work and visit. Seesh!

    Carla, Man, if it were up to me they would have given Jayden up. Had the family picked out. LOL Oh, well.

    I was shocked too. I never picture Viggo acting like that, but like you said, he is only 15. And it seems that the girl ends up growing up faster since she is with the baby full time.

  4. Ugh, Viggo was very much a jerk after bringing up the idea to keep the baby. I kind of want you to throw them into a cheap apartment or sublet room together and see how they can deal with a baby.

  5. Apple, ROFL But Cameron I don't have a problem with. For a popularity sim she's doing a bang up job caring for jayden. So much so that her homework has suffered, there's a stack of it on the floor. All her focus in on the baby.

    Now Viggo. He has surprised me greatly. He won't even go near his son now. The first day he was there he palyed with him, feed him and, put him to bed. But now, nothing.

  6. Ugh, Viggo. I know it's hard for him and he's only 15, but he should have thought about all of this before he decided to have sex. It's not fair to make Cameron have to juggle parenthood and school on her own while he goes off and does what he wants and avoids the situation. I'm hoping maybe he'll turn around and step up as a parent.


Thanks for taking the time to read and post! You guys are Awesome!