Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Love is what I go

September, Fall 2015, Cameron Smith and Sunni Ramaswami are both 18. Last update.

Narrated by Cameron


I decided not to move onto campus when school started. I felt that it would be better not only for me, but for Jayden as well, if I stayed at home.
So basically my mornings are still the same like back in high school. I'm up before the crack of dawn to shower get ready for school, and spend some quality time with my little guy. Only draw back. I have to drive and sit in forty five minute traffic every morning to make it to classes on time.


And if that isn't enough, I have my mom on my back... still. She's always gripping about how I need to knuckle down, that I have a son to worry about not just myself.


Which always catches me by surprise. I mean, really? I'm a full time student, I work at my mom's tea shop, not to mention a full time mom. I'm studying my butt off and she has the nerve to tell me that I'm not taking this crap serious enough! I really don't get her!


She makes me so mad. Sometimes I find myself second guessing my decision to stay at home. Maybe I should start weighing my options.


And on top of all the crap that is mom my, I have to make time for Viggo. He's starting to act real pissy too lately. About how we don't see each other enough, and when we are together I'm so exhausted it makes him feel like I don't care about him. Yeah, well, I want to see him juggle parenthood, school and work. Since as of right now all he really does is go to school. I have to pull teeth just to get him to spend time with his son.


But for the most part by the time I get Jayden feed, bathed, and in bed, it's close to eleven p.m. I'm normally running off of empty fumes and caffeine. But I'm managing to stay on track with my studies and this semester is shaping up great!


Narrated by Suni


This is a very new thing for me having to be up before dawn. Cameron thinks it's funny since she's used to doing this, but I'm not. Derek is normally sleep and I don't have to worry about him while getting ready for school. But that was then, now, he's older and I'm in a much harder school. So I spend my mornings nursing him, pumping milk, and trying to be ready for when Cameron comes to pick me up for classes.


I have managed to make some extra time for Oliver. We are trying to get as much couple time together as possible before he ships off for basic training. I'll admit it. I was pissed off when he told me that he planned on joining the Army instead of attending college. And after a few fights I realized that he's only doing when he sees is best for him, me, and Derek. He's looking out for what's best for his little family. And honestly, I can't hate him for that. It just makes me love him all the more.

So after a impromptu visit to a new park downtown, which, by the way, is beautiful.


We catch up on some much needed "couples" time together. Though, I would have preferred a bed instead of the back seat of my car, but hey, beggars can't be choosers.


We drive back to Riverdale and have dinner at this new place, The Black Rose. The food is to die for. I tell Oliver that we have to come here more often. He agrees.



Then he gets a serious and pulls out this little black box. He's nervous, I can tell, but he manages to smile through it and crack a few jokes.


Before giving me the box. I'm super excited. I knew this moment was coming, but I never thought that it would come so soon!


"So what do you say? Will you be my Booh for life?"

I laugh and put the ring on my finger. I'm instantly in love with it and with the thought of being Mrs. Oliver Brooks one day.


I don't tell my parents right away though. I mean, they are still adjusting to the fact that I made them grandparents a second time over at age 17. To inform them that I'm now engaged would send them over the deep end. So for now it's just between me and Oliver.



I have no idea what's wrong with Liam. Viggo came over and this was the look on his face. Maybe he knows that Viggo is secretly seeing Sarah behind Cameron's back (strictly platonic though). But still, it's enough to make any parent mad!


And I just love the look on Suni's face. She got her ring. In all truth, before Oliver went and knocked her up I was ready to break them up. Their wants for each other were far and in between. Then, when she was pregnant Suni rolled wants like crazy for Oliver and vice verse. Then soon as they both aged up, they rolled the want to get engaged to each other. So they actually saved their relationship. I'm really proud of them.

I thought that it would be easier for both Cameron and Suni for them to stay at home, and get the help they have from their parents. For Suni it's working out well. Not so much for Cameron though. It seem as soon as she aged up and started school all her mom does is fight with her. They were mending their relationship and now, I have no idea. I hope things get better soon though.

Here are the grades for the Fall semester:

Cameron Smith: Business Management A+ GPA 4.0
Suni Ramaswami: Fashion A+ GPA 4.0
Sarah Corbin: Undeclared B+ GPA 3.3
Marcus Brooks: Undeclared B+ GPA 3.3

Lana Corbin: Chemistry B+ GPA 3.3
Orlando Bertino: Undeclared B+ GPA 3.3

Keegan Ottamas: Games Engineering  B+  GPA 3.3
Chloe Gonzaga: Education C+  GPA 3.6



  1. That's tough :/. Cameron is doing a good job considering the circumstances and her mother is just going to have to accept the fact that she's a grandmother. Pushing Cameron away is not the answer. And yay for Suni and Oliver, I'm very happy for them. Sims just have a mind of their own sometimes don't they? :)

  2. They are doing so well, I would actually love to see Suni and Cameron get a place together, somewhere closer to campus, then they could split the cost of a nanny, rent, etc and help each other when they're not at class or work. I wish that Cameron would dump Viggo, he's not the best in the daddy/boyfriend department, she needs a man, not another child.

  3. Mizz, I know, I have no idea what's gotten into Tazikati, but she's getting on my nerves.

    Suni and Oliver <3!

    Apple, I would love to have them move in together as well. But for now they are both doing very good with the help with their parents aid. But you never know what can happen in the future!

    I agree with you on Viggo but the heart wants what the heart wants. And for now Viggo and Cameron are good for the most part!

    Thanks reading and commenting guys! You're Awesome!

  4. Yay! for Cameron, Suni & Oliver. I'm so glad they are all doing well. Viggo needs a kick in the ass!

    ~ Sleepycat

  5. Argh, Viggo is being an ass again! I'm starting to think Cameron should cut him loose now. :\ He's so unreliable. But Cameron's mum needs to lay off - the girl got an A+ with a baby to look after! Could she really ask for any more?

    He needs to take some tips from Oliver. *That's* how you treat a girl! Congratulations to him and Suni!

  6. Sleepy, I'm proud of my girls! They have the most going on in their lives and they've done so well so far!

    I agree, Viggo needs a good butt kicking. But then again, he's only 17. *shrugs*

    Carla, You think she got it right the first time that she dumped him? LOL But to his defense, do you really have your head on straight at 17? He's still trying to suss things out.

    I honestly have no idea what Tazikati's problem is. This round she was acting like she did while Cameron was pregnant. *sigh*

    I don't think Viggo is taking any notes. LOL

    Thanks for reading and commenting guys! You're Awesome!


Thanks for taking the time to read and post! You guys are Awesome!